Seeing More Clearly

A campaign for an MRI and more

Obtaining an MRI and other state-of-the-art diagnostic imaging equipment is essential for our district. Our new hospital can support this kind of progressive medical technology.

When the Government of Ontario changed the financing of all new hospitals to cover 90 per cent of construction costs with the remaining 10 per cent coming from the community, they further stated that 100 per cent of all new equipment will be the responsibility of the community.

The total cost of the district’s Diagnostic Imaging equipment needs is more than $10M. The Foundation has committed to help the community raise $6 million. The remaining will be financed by the hospital, over time.

Keeping up with advancing technology is a challenge for any hospital. North Bay has done well, but now it’s time to take a leap forward. In our new hospital, we propose to add:

Other Community Diagnostic needs include:

  • Digital Mammography Equipment – $1.4 million
  • SPECT/CT machine – $1.3 million
  • Digital Angiography and Fluoroscopy Equipment – $1.8 million
  • 4 Digital Radiography Suites – $3.65 million
  • Digital Radiography Equipment for Urology OR – $.6 million