Rosemary Nicholson’s Story

Last winter my family was faced with a difficult decision. My 16-year-old son was injured while competing in a snowboard competition out of province. As a family, we had to decide whether he should undergo surgery where we were, or make the journey back home to the North Bay Regional Health Centre to receive treatment. After careful consideration, the answer was clear – we chose the North Bay Regional Health Centre (NBRHC).

That’s because during my 30-plus years as a registered nurse, I have seen first-hand the exceptional care provided at the North Bay Regional Health Centre. Though I have worked in many hospitals and areas of nursing, my time specializing in occupational health at the NBRHC has given me a unique appreciation of those who work so tirelessly to take care of others.

I truly believe our entire region benefits when we have a strong hospital. Everyone in our community has a connection to our hospital, whether our loved ones have been treated there or we have been patients ourselves. In my case, my grandparents and parents, along with my son, were all patients there.

Over the years, the North Bay Regional Health Centre has been good to me and my family, and I want to do everything I can to give back to the Health Centre. That is why I have dedicated 10 years at this hospital, and also why I serve as a clinical instructor for Nipissing University nursing students. I have the pleasure of witnessing many of my former students go on to do great work at NBRHC.

It’s amazing to see the circle of giving that occurs at our hospital. In fact, that is the main reason that my husband and I have included the NBRHC Foundation in our Will. Michael is a retired firefighter, and like me, he is dedicated to helping our community, both now and in the future. Michael and I know, without a doubt, that our gift will make a difference.

I have seen our hospital go through many changes, growing to meet our community’s changing needs. That growth will most certainly continue in the future and I am comforted by the knowledge that, when the time comes, our gift will be allocated to the area of greatest need – whatever that need may be.

As someone who has an inside perspective of the Health Centre, I know just how much it does for our community – from offering a diabetes centre to providing a chemotherapy clinic in our own backyard. In addition, 10,000 surgeries are completed each year at our hospital, offering hope to families from as far north as Timmins.

I believe that we are fortunate to have the North Bay Regional Health Centre, which is one of Canada’s most highly advanced technological health centres and includes a MRI and the latest CT Scanners which provide local access to this state-of-the-art equipment and lessens the stress of travelling great distances for vital medical services.

It isn’t easy to provide exceptional health care in our community. Government funding fluctuates and it usually doesn’t cover critical pieces of medical equipment. In fact, some of the smallest and most important machines can each cost more than $10,000. As our population ages, there will be ever-growing demand for these technologies.

By making a bequest in your Will to the NBRHC Foundation, you can also help our community ensure our hospital is able to purchase the most advanced medical equipment. This, in turn, helps the hospital to attract the best health-care professionals and as a result, be able to keep doing what it does best: providing the best care possible.

When our son needed care, we knew we wanted him at the North Bay Regional Health Centre. By leaving a legacy gift, we are thanking the hospital for all that it has done for our family in the past, and demonstrating our belief that it will continue to do remarkable things in the future.

Please join us and make a future gift to the NBRHC Foundation. There is no better way to leave a lasting mark and express your commitment to our community.


– Rosemary and Michael Nicholson