Kelli Tignanelli’s Story

The NICU – A Unit Close To Home

Reece NICU

It was a typical Tuesday morning for Kelli Tignanelli, who woke up and got ready for work. Kelli and her husband Roberto were expecting their first child and had spent the last few months preparing. With six and a half weeks to go, the couple were finishing up some renovations and getting ready for their baby shower. But as Kelli was going through her usual morning routine, her water broke.

“I didn’t really know what was happening,” Kelli says. “I still had six weeks until my due date. I wasn’t expecting my water to break,” she says. “My bags weren’t even packed.”

Kelli was admitted to the hospital by Dr. Francis and put on bed rest. “I’m glad I was admitted,” she says. “I was really nervous and it was comforting knowing that if anything happened, help was close by.”

A few days after being admitted, Kelli went into labour. As any parent can attest, planning is important, but things don’t always go as planned. It was an extremely busy time in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), with every bed full. The decision was made to transfer Kelli to Orillia for the delivery of her baby.

Baby Reece was born Saturday May 23rd. Four days later, Kelly and Reece returned to NBRHC. Reece was cared for in the NICU for four weeks until Kelli and Roberto were able to take him home.

Thanks to your generosity, the NICU had the equipment and space to provide Kelli and Reece the support they needed. “It was amazing to come home and receive care at NBRHC,” says Kelli. “Reece was 4lbs and 11oz at birth so having access to things like the breast pumps in NICU made the world of difference.”

“Reece was 4lbs and 11oz at birth so having access to things like the breast pumps in NICU made the world of difference.”

Coming home meant both Kelli and Roberto could take care of their new baby and each other. Kelli spent everyday at the hospital and Roberto joined her after work.

“The hardest part was leaving Reece to go home at night,” Kelli says. “But the NICU staff are absolutely incredible! I knew my baby was in the best hands,” she says.

You helped provide a safe, advanced environment for the Tignanelli’s and countless moms and babies in your community. Access to state-of-the-art medical equipment helps staff to do their jobs effectively and provide the best care to both mom and baby. Today, Roberto, Kelli and Reece are happy and healthy.

Kelli, Rob and Reece